Sunday, February 19, 2017

New Year's Resolution Week Seven: It Happened One Night

Hello week seven!  I've been really looking forward to this week.  I love this movie!  It is just too perfect.  There is not one thing about it that I don't like.  Plus I was really looking forward to the menu that I decided on.  Don't get too excited, it's not that fabulous.... But for me it was!  ;-)

So, yet again there was nothing in Movie Night Menus.  Don't worry, there are some.  Next week, next week.  So I had to come up with my own again.  The first food that ALWAYS pops into my head when this movie is mentioned is coffee and sinkers!  Then I think of the scene where Gable is eating the carrot and Colbert is amazed that he's eating them raw.  Also, the scene on the bus when Colbert is hungry and she chooses a box of chocolates from the guy selling food on the bus(girl after my own heart!).  Gable doesn't let her have it, but I'm gonna!  Finally, Gable scrambles her up an egg to go with the coffee and sinkers for their magical breakfast together.  So there's my menu!  Little strange, but I had fun coming up with it!

I decided to bake the donuts myself.  I'm kinda trying to be good, so I thought this would be a little healthier. I don't think it ended up being that way, but I got to bake donuts!  They were really easy to do.  I didn't have a donut pan, and wasn't going to buy one.  I have a fear of most pans, They're all full of carcinogens.  I couldn't find a ceramic donut pan, so I used my ceramic muffin pan.  They came out looking like muffins, but whatever, I knew they were donuts!  I then dipped them in butter and rolled them in cinnamon sugar.  Health health health.  I also had a tiny problem because I can't have coffee.  Yeah, I know, I can't have anything.  I substituted it with Inka.  It's a grain drink that is wonderful.  It's not coffee, but it's kinda close and there isn't a trace of caffeine and it's good for you!  Then I just scrambled up some eggs and tossed some raw carrots on the plate.  For the box of chocolates, I choose a little Whitman's sampler.  Whitman's is my FAVORITE.  Vintage, delicious, and the packaging is always so pretty.  Just my style.  Oh, and there is always a "map" that tells you which chocolate is which.  I hate that Forest Gump you never know what you're going to get crap.  I wanna know what I'm eating!

So here's my weird dinner!  My muffins donuts, scrambled eggs, carrots, chocolate and "coffee".  AAAANNNNDDD my depression glass makes another appearance!  The coffee mugs are really hard to come by.  So pretty though.

I always have so much fun when I watch this movie.  I bounced in to watch it for the 700th time.  Having a themed dinner made it even better.  Added a new dimension to an old favorite!  I first watched this movie because of Sex And The City 2.  What?  Did you think I only watched old movies?  OK, that's mostly true, but sometimes I step into this century.  Sometimes.  I've been in love with the film ever since.  The chemistry between Gable and Colbert is unbelievable.  I am just amazed that neither of them wanted to do this film nor did they think they did a very good job.  Maybe that is what makes it so perfect.  They're both completely at ease on the screen.  They just flow together and really seem to be enjoying themselves and each other.  Could it be that their apathy brought out natural acting?  Whatever, it works.  I do find that a lot of acting from these early talkies is very staged.  I don't mind it at all, I love these movies, I find the "acting" to be part of their charm.  This movie doesn't have "acting" and I just fall into it every single time.

I just delight in watching Claudette Colbert's character evolve.  She doesn't start off as unlikable, but you can see she's got room for improvement.  I suppose that's the best way to put it!  She's not selfish, she's just unaware.  It's lovely to watch her grow up before your eyes.  She doesn't want to be a brat, she just doesn't know any better.  Her character learns her lessons as the movie goes on with grace.

You just love her, she's adorable.

As for Clark Gable...sigh.  Dear Mr Gable(Ha!).  He's always charming.  I don't think he can help it.  This role is a little bit different from others for me.  He plays this character A LOT.  Lovable bad boy.  In this role though, there is a ease that I don't recall seeing this from him before.  It's really wonderful.  You laughingly fall in love with him from the second his drunk ass is on the screen!     

I love his drunk ass!

The script is funny and sexy and interesting.  There are great innuendos.  It perfectly toes the line between being conservative and risque.  Frank Capra does some great shots that escalate the emotions of a scene and also make you smile at the same time.  I love smiling at movies.  

See how Gable embraces Colbert and the shot embraces them?

One blanket creates sexual tension, isolation, and anticipation.

Another really enjoyable evening.  The movie was wonderful as expected.  Dinner?  It was pretty good.  I ate too much.  Shoulda stuck with one donut like they do in the movie.  Two made me a little sick to my stomach.  I'll never ever learn,  They were pretty good though.

Really looking forward to next week!

Had to throw this in because it's the scene EVERYONE thinks of when they think about this movie!
You didn't think I wouldn't include it, did you?

PS: I'm starting to feel like I'm getting my writing voice back...slowly.  I think I'm getting better.  It feels like it!

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