Sunday, July 2, 2017

New Year's Eve Resolution Week Twenty Six: Adam's Rib

I gotta start off saying I LOVE SPENCE AND HEPBURN!!  Love them!  My favorite film of theirs is Guess Who's Coming To Dinner.  It's so good so very very good.  I've seen Adam's Rib before, but it was a long long time ago and I can't remember most of it.  Since these two are always good, especially together, I had no doubt tonight would be a great night!

As for dinner?

Finally! Movie Night Menus had me serving up a lime daiquiri, cold melon halves, lamb stew with aromatic rice, candy bars, and licorice.  Ummm, interesting?  Now I gotta switch it up to meet my needs.  First, daiquiri.  I made some fizzy lime water.  Hey, it was the best I could do.  Next cold melon halves, I don't like digging in melons, so I chopped it up.  Ok, I bought it chopped up.  Lazy.  Plus I didn't want a whole melon.  Next, lamb stew.  The recipe had so many ingredients!  Lots of them I've never worked with before, so I just winged it.  I replaced the lamb with tofu.  Tofu doesn't like to be boiled for too long, so I added it the last 15 minutes.  I also misread the recipe a bit.  It called for apple cider, and I thought it said apple cider vinegar.  So there's that.  To counter the sour I created, I added sugar and salt.  I also added an entire can of coconut milk instead of just a cup.  I couldn't let it go to waste.  As for the candy bars and licorice?  Done!  Snickers baby!!!

Depression glass with licorice and candy bars, tofu stew, and cold melon. And lime fizzy water in my Laurel and Hardy glass.

I had a great time with this movie.  It was so cute and so fun.  Very typical man vs woman film a la Doris Day and Rock Hudson, but really smart.  And the chemistry.....  I can't say enough about it.  Tracy and Hepburn just adore each other.  And respect each other.  It's really beautiful to watch.  I think that was my favorite thing about this film.  I loved watching them enjoying each other.  I can't remember a film of theirs where I saw the relationship so clear.  I mean, it's always there, but here it was in full force.

Lookit them just loving each other.  That look....

They just had so much fun with each other.  But I do kinda swear she's flipping him off....  Hmmmm.

The other actors were great as well.  You really love Judy Holiday.  But how can you not love Judy Holiday?  She's beautiful and adorable.  The only other film I've seen her in is Born Yesterday(I think).  She was phenomenal, just like in this film.  She had the same voice.  Kinda ditsy.  I had always assumed that it was a put on for the character in Born Yesterday, now I wonder if that is how she really spoke.  I gotta find more of her films and check it out.    

She's so good at simple and innocent.  Amazing expression.  

I had a great time tonight.  The film just made the evening.  It was so good.  The dinner?  I wasn't a big fan of the stew.  It was ok.  Didn't seem to have much flavor.  I think the problem was that all of the spices were on the tofu and I couldn't add the tofu until the end, so they didn't get to permeate the rest of the stew.  It was really healthy though.  My doctor would be proud.  Next time I think I'll use that vegetarian duck I used for the duck soup.  It's sturdier and won't fall apart when boiled.  Oh yeah and no ACV, I'll get cider.  Everything else was awesome, especially the rice.  SO GOOD!! I'm totally going to make the rice again.

PS:  I can't believe I'm already more than half way through!  This year is flying!!

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