Sunday, July 6, 2014

My own private traditions

I really like traditions.
There are a few things that I like to do with my movies.  A couple of days of the week I live for.  Saturdays and Sundays.
Every Saturday night after the sun goes down is Vintage Horror Saturday.  I like to sit in the dark and watch vintage horror.  Be it Vincent Price or dear darling Bela.  Bad or good, doesn't matter, just vintage.  And lets face it, they're mostly bad, but I still seem to like them.  I try to make sure to watch at least one every Saturday.  Sometimes I can fit in two, but I often can't seem to sit through that many.  Not too sure why.
I call every Sunday my Silent Cinema Sunday.  This is by far my favorite day of the week.  I get up super early(maybe around 4), get my coffee, and enjoy my movies.  I usually do it up big.  I start with cartoons and/or silent shorts, and then watch the films.  I usually pick one actor or one theme per Sunday.  If I can find a documentary about what I'm watching, I'll usually watch that first.  As the sun comes up, I pull the thick curtains that I had put in my movie room and keep going.  You can't watch silent films in the daylight!
While I'm watching any movie, I look up everything I can about the film and actors.  Sometimes I go deep, sometimes not so much.  Like I've said, I'm intrigued by the lives of these actors and strange stories behind the movies.  I guess that's what brings them to life for me.  And I love learning.  It makes these so much more than movies for me.  I have to multitask while doing something, I can't focus otherwise.  Strange, but true.
I'm seriously thinking about adding a Mystery Movie Monday.  I have a love of William Powell movies and am having a hard time fitting them in.  If I make a tradition of it, I'll be sure to!  Or maybe call it My Favorite Men Mondays....  That way it doesn't have to be a mystery and I can get in some of those gangster movies I've been meaning to watch.  Or if I feel like, it I can throw in Mr Peabody and the Mermaid, and it will still count!  ;-)

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