Sunday, August 6, 2017

New Year's Resolution Week Thirty One: Singin' In The Rain

So we all know that I hate musicals.  Right?  Well this is the exception.  Now, I don't love every second of this film.  Some scenes are just too damn long.  I fast forward though them to be honest.  So with my finger on the fast forward button, I was all ready for tonight!  ;-)

I wasn't hungry.  At.  All.  Even junk food didn't sound good to me.  So no dinner tonight.  Sorry.  I didn't have any ideas anyway.  Booooo.

This movie is just fun.  It makes you smile.  Makes you happy.  I even like some of the singing and dancing.  The songs get stuck in my head though.  I've got "Good Morning" on repeat right now.  It gets stuck in my head from that stupid orange juice commercial too though, so I can't blame the movie.  It just happens.  Speaking of songs, I think "All I Do Is Dream Of You" is in like every other movie Hollywood ever made.  Someone must have had stock in this song!  Or they got it cheap.  Really good song though.  My favorite is Ms Joan in Sadie McKee, of course!  Joan makes everything better.

Now Gene Kelly.  ::::sigh::::  Gene Kelly.  Is there anything better?  The man is just beautiful and charming.  Gorgeous Irish boy.  He's so funny in this.  I just love his voice in this as well, singing and talking.  There's something so warm and inviting about it.   It kinda hugs you.  This is not a deep role or anything, so he's not showing off any acting chops, but he is wonderful in it.  He does exactly what he is supposed to do....make you adore him.  And it doesn't hurt that he is so very very pretty.

I just love this man.

Then there is Debbie Reynolds.  She's just perfect in this role.  Strong, smart, adorable, beautiful.  That's really hard to pull off!  She's very much the girl next door and you root for her from the beginning.  She was only 19 years old when she did this.  Her talent is just amazing.  No wonder she became a legend.  We really lost something when she died.  I miss her.

Adorable and beautiful is really really hard to pull off!

Now for Jean Hagen.  My gosh is she unlikable.  From the start.  She's supposed to be, but ugh, does she do a good job.  She's so beautiful, but everything about this woman is irritating.  Even that stupid star they put on her face as a beauty mark.  I think I've said this before, but I always get her confused with Judy Holiday.  I think it's the voice.  I adore Judy Holiday though, so that makes me like Jean Hagen a bit.  Not much though.

Beautiful, but really obnoxious.  REALLY OBNOXIOUS.

I think you all know the scene that I don't like.  That completely explainable 17 minute dance scene. What is that?  I know most people love it.  I don't get it.  I'm just not that kind of a girl.  I've got too much to do.  Fast forward.....

There's lots of cool dance moves in this, but I just can't warm up to this stuff!

So in spite of the fact that I didn't get to have any delicious for a second week in a row, I did enjoy myself.  Good good movie night!

PS: Snub Pollard has a teeny part in this.  Could be part of the reason this is a musical I actually like!  I'm like that.

Can you find me?



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